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Fitness For Life

Fitness For Life

Fitness For Life

Fitness for Life teaches students how to become fit and healthy through a fitness-based education program. Fitness for Life's core values motivate students to live a healthy lifestyle that includes fitness and active recreation, but also encompasses a commitment to improving the quality of life for the entire family. Students in Fitness for Life courses learn about nutrition habits, as well as nutritional information for weight loss, exercise, and prevention of disease. Through Fitness for Life, students become physically active and fit throughout their entire lives.

This fitness for life program is part of the College/High School Scholarships for Hispanics (CHSSA) initiative supported by the US Department of Education. The CHSSA program seeks to encourage the participation of Hispanic high school students in after-school and on-campus nutrition and fitness programs so that these children may achieve a lifetime of fitness. This effort is one of many ways the United States Department of Education and the Nation can work towards fitness for life for all students in school. By participating in fitness for life activities, high school students will be better prepared for their future as well as individuals who may follow them from childhood to adulthood.

Fitness for Life provides students with an understanding of nutrition and the science behind fitness for life. The program allows students to explore their bodies through an exercise that mimics their natural activities. With regular workouts and a change in lifestyle, individuals can begin to reshape their entire body composition, resulting in strong muscles and a low fat percentage. Combining the knowledge learned through fitness for life lessons with the tools provided through Exercise Physiology, students will be equipped to make healthy choices and implement those choices as they grow older.

Why Choose a Florida School for Fitness?

Fitness For Life is an extensive fitness education program which helps young students accept responsibility for their entire fitness, health, and activity from childhood to early adulthood. Through Fitness For Life, young people are able to become fit and physically healthy during their early adult lives. The program provides the core competencies and tools for fitness instructors, coaches, and parents to work together to promote fitness for life. The program is facilitated by fitness experts who work with young people to help them set realistic fitness goals and to develop new fitness habits. The curriculum includes nutrition and fitness principles, resistance training exercises and strength and stretching exercises, nutritional research, personal and family fitness habits, sport and recreation physical education, health services and social services, work out routines, and fitness certification. This program is an initiative of the Canadian Sports Training Institute (CSIT), a non-profit association of fitness instructors, sports coaches and other fitness professionals in Canada.

Fitness for Life teaches young people about their proper weight and shape, proper nutrition and healthy eating, healthy lifestyles habits, healthy lifestyle choices and responsibility. Fitness instructors work with students to set achievable fitness goals and motivate them to maintain those goals through persistence and positive attitude. Trainees learn that they can make healthy lifestyle choices by being aware of their choices and listening to their bodies. They also learn healthy lifestyle choices such as how to choose the types of foods that they want to eat, how to get in and out of their daily exercise routines, and how to monitor their health and their well being on a daily basis. Trainees also learn about their individual fitness and conditioning progress and development, how to prepare for a fitness class or activity, and learn the value of fitness and exercise for everyday life.

A fitness for life coach helps you create a customized fitness plan that meets your goals, while allowing you to achieve those goals over time. You may need help with meal planning, fitness level assessment and measurement, or even medical instruction regarding any current conditions you may have. A fitness for life coach works with you one-on-one to design a fitness plan that is right for you. You will work with your fitness trainer to develop a personalized activity plan for you, including exercise routines and frequency, and develop a healthy lifestyle and diet around your goals.

When fitness for life coaches evaluate your physical education standards, they also assess your goals, behaviors, knowledge and values, supportive relationships, stressors and support networks, your self-talk, motivation, and your future goals. Your fitness goals should include your health and fitness needs, future health goals (including pregnancy), and your lifestyle and fitness preferences, among other things. Developing a fitness for life plan that includes all of these aspects allows you to reach your goals, stay on track, and achieve wellness in your life.

In the United States, fitness for life has become a relatively popular trend. This is largely due to the increased interest and awareness of physical education and an active lifestyle. Health and fitness are often considered a necessity and therefore something that people cannot do without. More people are living longer and the general population is becoming more fit and healthy. This is not only in an effort to avoid potential deaths from diseases like heart disease and diabetes but it is also to promote a healthier and happier society. The National Aerobic Training Association estimates that nearly 25 percent of adults nationwide are involved in some sort of fitness or exercise program, which supports the growing wellness movement.

Fitness for life has evolved into many different aspects of an overall fitness and health plan. Not only is it an educational program to help students learn to be physically active, but it is also included as part of their treatment for certain medical conditions, whether they are trying to manage their diabetes or trying to lose weight. The fitness for life assessment and fitness for life coach services offered by the school also help students develop a life-long fitness plan.


