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Testosterone Enanthate - An Alternative to Synthetic Testosterone

Testosterone Enanthate - An Alternative to Synthetic Testosterone

Testosterone Enanthate, also known as Testosterone Citrate, and sold under various brand names including Testopril, Enlast, Provera, and Sharpog, is a chemical androgen that is commonly used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men as well as in the treatment of prostate cancer. It is also currently being used in hormone replacement therapy for transgendered men. Testosterone Enanthate (TUSD) is more expensive than synthetic testosterone because it is obtained from natural sources, hence its purity is reliable and it does not undergo any processing before it is released into the body. However, TUSD is said to have some disturbing effects on men's sex organs. Men taking Propecia for prostate cancer had reported severe adverse side effects such as increased body hair, increased facial and body hair, increased body fat, and increased sex drive.

Studies had shown that when Testosterone Enanthate is injected to the prostate, the testosterone levels decrease more slowly and their duration is longer lasting than that of testosterone. Testosterone Enanthate's half-life was measured at about four weeks which was within the range of normal. Side effects during the first few weeks of administration included mild nausea, increased body temperature, increased blood pressure, decreased sperm count, and increased skin sensitivity. In most cases, these symptoms resolved on their own. Over the course of six months, most reported slight increases in body weight.

Since these are the only known side effects, this compound has been marketed as a testosterone enanthate alternative instead of prescription androgen receptor agonists or testosterone transdermal patch. However, when compared to other anabolic steroids, there are many risk factors for the development of Testosterone Enanthate side effects. It has high levels of exposure to heat and light, which increases the risk for burns and scalding. When it is injected into the skin, there is a high risk for bacterial contamination. Although there have been very few studies on the health and safety risks of testosterone enanthate or when compared to other androgenic substances, you should discuss the risks with your doctor or health care provider before using this product.

What Are the Side Effects of Testosterone Enanthate?

Testosterone Enanthate is a bovine enzyme androgenic anabolic steroid drug that is used in the treatment of men with low testosterone concentrations. It's also frequently used in hormone replacement therapy for transgendered men. The reason why it's often used as a testosterone replacement drug is that it produces adequate levels of testosterone to normalize sexual vitality, libido and muscle mass. While it can be used as a dietary supplement to boost libido, certain side effects have been noted, so you should talk to your doctor before starting a program using Testosterone Enanthate as a replacement therapy. Some common side effects associated with Testosterone Enanthate are:

It's important to note that despite the possible benefits of Testosterone Enanthate when taken in moderation it could cause some unwanted side effects. One of the side effects of taking too much Testosterone Enanthate is liver toxicity, which results from a build up of the amino acid testerone. Liver toxicity is related to the excessive usage of anabolic steroids, particularly with long-term use. As Testosterone Enanthate is an anabolic steroid, it can build up in the body much faster than its estrogenic derivative counterpart, estrogen. If you're not careful, you could wind up with serious liver damage.

Another side effect of testosterone enanthate is that it can cause changes in cholesterol levels. While the degree of change is not yet established, it's known that some patients experience significant increases in their cholesterol levels when using the drug. For this reason, patients undergoing testosterone treatments should avoid foods which are known to increase cholesterol levels, including those containing significantly higher levels of saturated fat and sodium than are considered safe for consumption by most people. The same goes for fish oil, eggs and organ meats such as liver.

There are also some common androgen replacement therapy adverse effects. These include joint pain and swelling. It's important to note though that these are likely to be caused by high levels of dihydrotestosterone and not by the anabolic steroids. Similarly, hair loss is unlikely to be caused by Testosterone Enanthate. Hair loss can occur due to a number of factors including stress, overexposure to sunlight and diet.

Although Testosterone Enanthate is not generally regarded as an appropriate route for someone wanting to improve their size and muscle mass, it can be used to treat other conditions as well. In men, some evidence suggests that Testosterone Enanthate may be useful for increasing sperm count and quality. In women, some evidence suggests Testosterone Enanthate might be useful for the treatment of vaginal atrophy and shrinking of the ovaries. It has also been proposed that Testosterone Enanthate might have positive benefits in treating symptoms of pseudo-andropause, a condition where the male body no longer produces adequate levels of testosterone.

However, there is much evidence that the use of testosterone esters (or testosterone cypionate) is not only unlikely to have any beneficial result, but could cause serious side effects. For this reason it is strongly advised that you seek the guidance of your physician before starting any treatment involving testosterone esters or testosterone cypionate. The risks far outweigh the rewards.
