1-Testosterone(dihydroboldenone) is an anabolic steroid that is a dihydro (5- alpha reduced) form of the anabolic steroid boldenone(equipoise). It is also structurally very similar to Primobolan (methenolone), except that 1-testosterone lacks the additional 1-methyl group used to increase steroid oral bioavailability.
Dihydroboldenone is a strong anabolic agent, with moderate androgenic properties. The standard rat assays show it to be approximately twice as anabolic as testosterone propionate, while it retains a similar level of androgenicity. This gives it an anabolic ratio of about 2, which means it is twice as anabolic as it is androgenic. 1- testosterone is one of the most potent naturally occurring steroids to be isolated, and is valued by bodybuilders for its ability to promote significant muscle tissue gains without water bloat or strong side effects.
1-Testosterone is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. It contains one additional double bond between carbons 1 and 2 (1-ene), which helps to stabilize the 3-keto group and increase the steroid's anabolic properties.
1-testosterone is considered to be a non-estrogenic steroid. Estrogen-linked side effects are generally not seen when administering this steroid, including gynecomastia, fat deposition, and visibly increased water retention.
Gains made with 1- testosterone tend to be quality muscle mass, not the smooth bulk that often accompanies steroids highly open to aromatization. 1-Testosterone is, therefore, a steroid most favored during the cutting phases of training, when water and fat retention are major concerns, and sheer mass is not the central objective.
1-Testosterone should have a stronger negative effect on the hepatic management of cholesterol than testosterone or nandrolone due to its weak aromatization nature, but a weaker impact than most c-17 alpha-alkylated steroids.
All anabolic/androgenic steroids may also adversely affect blood pressure and triglycerides, reduce endothelial relaxation, and support left ventricular hypertrophy, all potentially increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease and myocardial infarction. 1-testosterone is slightly an intrinsical irritating substance. This makes injection with the base hormone, even transdermal delivery uncomfortable, producing skin/tissue irritation and redness. Some users even tend to notice a burning sensation when urinating while taking any 1-testosterone product. Although poorly understood, this side effect has never been reported to be dangerous, and is generally looked at as an inconvenience among users. Affects hematocrit less than boldenone itself. It’s a compound that’s similar to primo but with much more of a strength gain.