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Raw Material Ligandrol
Manufacturer DRIADA
Package 50 tabs (10 mg/tab)
Lab Test View
Product Price Total Qty
$51.00 $73.00 $51.00
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Detailed Overview

This is one of the most commonly used SARMs that has gone through several human clinical trials and is already in phase 2 clinical trials. 

LGD4033 was developed by Ligand Pharmaceutical for use in muscle wasting diseases such as cancer or AIDS. LGD4033 is a second generation SARM, which is an improvement over first generation SARMs such as S4. To date, Ligandrol is the second most researched SARM after Ostarine. 

LGD4033 is the most effective of all SARMs in terms of muscle building. But it is also the most suppressive of its own testosterone. Our benefit is a much longer half-life of 24 to 36 hours. This is very important because at a once-daily dosage, the concentration of this substance in the bloodstream continues to increase every day. 
