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Raw Material Mix Steros
Manufacturer Magnus Pharma
Package Mix Tren Acetate + Masteron Propionate + Test Propionate
Product Price Total Qty
$79.00 $79.00
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Detailed Overview
RIPPED 150RIPPED 150 is an injectable steroid which contains 50 mg of Testosterone propionate, 50 mg of Trenbolone acetate and 50 mg of Drostanolone propionate equaling a total amount of 150mg of substance per ML, and it is available in a 10 ml vial.Contents50mg/ml Trenbolone Acetate + 50mg/ml Testosterone Propionate + 50mg/ml Drostanolone Propionate (10ml VIAL)Side effectsOily skin, acne, increased aggression and body/facial hair growth, pattern male baldness, high blood pressure, blood clotting, increased production of the sebaceous gland, headaches and sexual overstimulation. The usage of this compound by women is not recommended, or allowed in very small dosage to the masculinity effects.AdministrationAverage dose men: 150-450 mg per day (6-8 weeks)