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How can I pay by Western Union?

Here you can find the nearest store: WU Agent Location

2. Fill out the necessary "Send Money" form. If you need assistance ask the agent.

3. Fill out the "Receiver" section with the information in the email sent to you: recipient's name, surname, city and country. No need to fill in any other information.

4. Select the transfer option "money in minutes/10 minutes".

5. You can pay with cash, a bank debit card or credit card.

6. Western Union will charge you a money transfer fee, depending on the amount of money you send.

7. Once payment has been sent, press make payment button and fill the following payment information:

- Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN) (XXX-XXX-XXXX).

- The amount that has been transferred.

- Sender's full name (first name and surname).

- City

- Currency

- Country (from where the money has been wired).

- After the information is filled, press the "Payment Notify" button.