The primary component of this product is Methandrostenolone, carefully selected for its well-documented effectiveness and wide range of applications. Each package contains 20 tabs (50 mg/tab), ensuring precise and consistent dosing to meet various user needs.
Canada, Australia, UAE, Saudi Arabia, South and central America, Germany.
Shipping Cost
Shipping of your Order
1 to 3 days (excluding weekends and closed days) after validation of your payment. Tracking number automatically sent to you maximum 24 hours after shipping.
Transit and Delivery
3 to 10 days in Europe.
Transit and delivery Oversea
Additional delay may occur during shipping, depends of the country, 5 to 15 days.
We send you the tracking number
2 to 5 days after shipping the package (sometimes the first update of postal status can take up to a week).
Shipping Details
Cashback Program
Your current segment is classic. You will earn $0 cashback on this product.
Cashback Program
$9.15Cashback on this product
Based on 15% cashback rate for $61
Raw Material:
Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
20 tabs (50 mg/tab)
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