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How can i send a payment picture?
You can upload the photo by clicking the Payment Notify button on your order page.
Will you update me when my order is confirmed?
We will send you a confirmation e-mail when you place and submit your order. Please follow the instructions in order confirmation e-mail before making your payment. If you don't get a confirmation e-mail, please check your Spam folder because it might have landed there.
Which courier company are you using?
Your order will be sent using the most suitable courier company (Fedex, TNT, National Postal Services etc.) depending on your order and the destination country.
My tracking number is not active
It may take several days for your tracking number to get active, this is normal. Please give it some time before contacting us. Your package will be delivered within the given timeframe. The tracking numbers for the Pharmaqo packages usually get active within 2 weeks after TN was given. Please give it at least 2 weeks before contacting us over your Pharmaqo tracking numbers. We will not be able to give you a different information until then. Your package would be already shipped out and be in transit towards USA even though the tracking number is not active in trackers.
What types of currency do you accept?
We are accepting USD, EURO, GBP.