I bought the Trenbo Mix from Aslan Pharma. Ive never done Tren before. Ive done Test C cycles in the past + clen, decided to up it to tren. What dose would you take if you were me? Im relatively young. 59 and 155lbs. I want to get jacked, and I plan on going on it for a long cycle. YOLO.
Answers 1
Start low. Tren should be ran at a 1:2 ratio to test. This means that if you are running 500mg test, you should not exceed 250mg of tren. However, i wouldnt start at 250 if this is your first time experimenting with tren. Also, remember that tren does not convert into estrogen, so an AI isnt going to prevent gyno sides. Tren elevates your prolactin/progesterone, so you want to make sure you have some cabergoline or prami on hand. Shorter esters like acetate ahould be injected daily to maintain stable syrum blood levels, and to minimize the possibility of side effects as well.
Start low. Tren should be ran at a 1:2 ratio to test. This means that if you are running 500mg test, you should not exceed 250mg of tren. However, i wouldnt start at 250 if this is your first time experimenting with tren. Also, remember that tren does not convert into estrogen, so an AI isnt going to prevent gyno sides. Tren elevates your prolactin/progesterone, so you want to make sure you have some cabergoline or prami on hand. Shorter esters like acetate ahould be injected daily to maintain stable syrum blood levels, and to minimize the possibility of side effects as well.