This was a domestic order that arrived to me after a little under six days. XT labs arimidext. Packing on this was extremely professional in bubble wrap and then sealed in a nice non-descriptive box. So the people at the post office could do the old Ace Ventura test with it and I’m sure there would be no issues. As for when I can tell the product after I took it out of the packaging seems 100% legit. The packaging was professional grade with QR codes and a reflective sticker, as well as a seal guards to make sure that it wasn’t tampered with after it left the vendor. I can’t honestly say for the effectiveness of the product as I have not had to run an AI yet and I don’t incorporate them into my protocol unless they’re needed. But as always our delivers. My only complaint with this is and this isn’t from RBs side it’s on they xt labs and that is the price is quite expensive for an AI. I understand it’s a domestic order and that’s why pricing is double but it is really expensive for just a simple aromatase inhibitor. Other than that no complaints.